
太平洋在线手机版 95 0


  作者: 中国电视评论




  04-06 08:37 PDT 北京, 中国 (美联社)


  “不恶搞,不媚俗,不低俗”, 国家广播电影电视总局在周五给《快乐男声》出品方的通知上宣布,根据官方新华社报道水星tv手机版6.2.0






  还有可能会震惊Simon Cowell(Fox电视网《美国偶像》毒舌评委)的是,这个广电监管机构指出评委不准“嘲弄或羞辱参赛选手”水星tv手机版6.2.0



  (早前消息曾错误地把这个节目的名字翻译成"Boys Happy Voice"水星tv手机版6.2.0。)


  1.出现在美国雅虎网头版水星tv手机版6.2.0。地址一:具体文章地址 。地址二:雅虎新闻地址。

  2. 美国著名地方报纸San Francisco Chronicle 网站

  3. 美国报纸Rockford Register Star网站

  4. 洛杉矶时报

  5. 北卡罗纳州StarNews

  6. 微软MSN

  7. 加拿大贵湖水星报

  8. 拉斯韦加斯太阳报

  9. 华盛顿邮报

  10. 佛罗里达报纸Sarasota Herald-Tribune

  11. 加拿大环球邮报

  无法一一列完水星tv手机版6.2.0。 转载此美联社通稿的媒体太多,并且呈癌细胞扩散之势。有心的读者可以搜索《快乐男声》英文关键词"Happy Boys Voice". (对不起,湖南卫视,尽管你想打响“Super Boy”这个英文名字,但是英文传媒都把《快乐男声》写成"Happy Boys Voice"。)


   `No Weirdness' for China's `Idol' Series

  (04-06) 08:37 PDT BEIJING, China (AP) --

  Tears, wild hair and unhealthy songs are banned when China's latest version of "American Idol" goes on the air next month.

  "No weirdness, no vulgarity, no low taste," the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television said Friday in a notice to the producers of "Happy Boys Voice," according to the official Xinhua News Agency.

  The talent show, to be broadcast beginning May 1, is a sequel to the hugely popular TV contest "Super Girls Voice" in 2005, which drew more than 400 million viewers. The woman who won that contest became a popular singer in China.

  But Xinhua said the competition drew official and public criticism for promoting vulgarity.

  "Happy Boys Voice" should include only "healthy and ethically inspiring" songs and avoid scenes of screaming fans or losing contestants in tears," the regulator was quoted as saying.

  The show should "maintain a happy atmosphere," SARFT said in the notice to the show's producer, a television station in the central province of Hunan.

  It said scenes of wailing and screaming were "low taste."

  And in a move that would shock Simon Cowell, the acid-tongued judge of the Fox network's "American Idol," the broadcast watchdog said judges were prohibited "from mocking or humiliating contestants."

  Contestants must be at least 18, and Xinhua said "their hairstyles, clothes, fashion accessories, language and manners should be in line with the mainstream values."

  Hunan TV President Ouyang Changlin was quoted by Xinhua as saying the station would abide by the rules.

  (Earlier story mistakenly said the title of the show was `Boys Happy Voice.' )

  最近更新 ( 2007-04-08 )

标签: 法新社 美联社 一波 男声 大规模
